Advanced Nutrients – Flawless Finish
Hvis du nogensinde har hostet lungerne ud efter at have ‘nydt’ dine afgrøder, kan planteforurening have været synderen!
Den samme proces planter bruger til at vokse – ved at absorbere forbindelser fra næringsstoffer, vand og atmosfæren – får dem til at opbygge overskydende salte og andre barske forbindelser. Hvis du ikke skyller disse overskud ud før høst, går du på kompromis med den endelige kvalitet. I stedet for at skylle med almindeligt vand, som udsulter dine planter og reducerer blomstervækst og harpiks, har du brug for Flawless Finish. Den bruger tomme chelater – som er som små, kraftige støvsugere – til at fjerne overskydende kemikalierester fra dit vækstmedium, rødder og andet plantevæv, inklusive frugter og blomster. Slutresultatet er en fantastisk afgrøde af planter, der vil være fri for mindst 85 % af de lagrede materialer, de holdt inden skylning. Ja, du får det reneste, sødeste udbytte. Brug Flawless Finish lige før din næste høst og smag selv på resultaterne
Warning: Are Tiny Microscopic Toxins Destroying the Taste of Your Crop and Keeping You From Getting the Flower You Deserve?
If you’re ready to achieve a cleaner end product, then this may be one of the most important messages you’ll ever read.
Because here’s the thing . . .
You can be one of the most experienced growers out there. But if you don’t flush your crops correctly, you risk heavy metals contaminating your crops.
And after even the smoothest run, you could be left with . . .
- Gray, lumpy ash after consumption
- A bitter, unpleasant taste
- Weak, watered-down aromas
- Toxic levels of heavy metals polluting your plants
Now, if you’ve suffered this fate before, you know there’s nothing worse than spending weeks on end perfecting a lush, green garden . . .
… only to watch it lose taste, potency, and purity during the curing process.
The fact is, your cannabis can accumulate excess nutrient salts and substances that decrease its overall value.
Here’s the real kicker, though . . .
Much of the time, these elements stack up in your root zone, while remaining invisible to the naked eye.
So, you don’t even realize the damage they’re doing to your cannabis until it’s too late.
Now, in a second, I’m going to tell you exactly how you can eliminate these toxins and ensure a pure, flavorful end product.
But first, we need to make you aware of something.
You’ve probably heard that using a flushing agent is critical to getting clean crops.
And that’s true.
However . . .
Not All Flushes Are Created Equal
In fact, some flushing agents can decrease the size of your overall harvest . . .
Forcing you to choose between clean bud and heavy, potent yields.
It’s a sacrifice no grower should have to make . . .
And it’s one many growers don’t even realize they’re making.
It gets even worse, though.
Because the reality is, a lot of the time, these so-called flushing agents do little to nothing to purge crops of harsh residues.
They’re simply not capable of drawing all the salt buildup and heavy metals out of your plants.
Now, you may think the best way to cleanse your crop is to simply flush with water, starving them of any nutrients in the final week before harvest.
That couldn’t be further from the truth though.
Here’s the thing…
You need a flushing agent that draws toxins out of the plants, while still allowing them the carbon to nitrogen ratio they need to ripen with high resin percentages.
A way to get clean ash from your end product free of any heavy metals…
While remaining 100% confident your yields reached their fullest potential.
So if you’ve ever found yourself questioning whether you’re achieving the purest harvest possible, you’d be right to doubt it.
That is, unless . . .
You Rely on Empty Chelates to Pull Toxins out of Your Plants
Chelates are like chemical “claws” . . .
They grasp onto other materials, like nutrients, and bind to them.
And the same way some solutions contain chelates to increase nutrient absorption . . .
Others rely on chelates to facilitate their removal.
Remember those microscopic traces of toxicities we mentioned?
Well, when you put chelates to work in your garden, they hunt down and capture those elemental ions…
Leaving you with safe, clean, and flavorful bud.
It’s why the savviest growers. . .
Protect Plant Purity with Flawless Finish®
Through an advanced understanding of chelates and cannabis’ unique genome, our team of experts developed a premium flushing agent that safeguards heavy, potent, flavorful yields while ensuring a clean end product.
It’s called Flawless Finish® . . .
And it’s the most powerful way to get the pure, flavorful buds your clients crave.
When you use Flawless Finish, your plants reap multiple game-changing benefits.
A fantastic chelator binds to heavy metals and removes them from your plants . . .
So you can get a cleaner, safer end product without a bitter, unforgiving potassium/ammonium aftertaste.
What’s more, Flawless Finish allows tissues to ripen with a higher Carbon to Nitrogen ratio . . .
So you unleash the sugar levels behind potent, heavy-hitting aromas.
Plus, it removes excess nitrogen at the exact right moment, so you never have to worry about sacrificing yield size.
But that’s not all…
Our team of scientists even engineered this flushing agent with an optimal amount of magnesium to create conditions that support mature flowering.
Pair magnesium with your plants’ internal nutrient reserves . . .
And they’ve got everything they need to ripen those huge, compound-rich buds all the way to harvest day.
Why wait to grow the cleanest cannabis on the market?
Find Advanced Nutrients Flawless Finish today at an authorized retailer near you.
Advanced Nutrients – Flawless Finish
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