Advanced Nutrients – Big Bud Coco
Nyd de knopfyldende fordele ved Big Bud® – verdens #1 blomstringsforstærker – uden at risikere ubalancer i din kokos-kokos. Big Bud® Coco har en præcist indkoblet PK-spids for at styrke og fylde blomsterstrukturer, plus magnesium, to former for calcium og forskelligartede chelaterede former for jern for at forhindre udvaskning af næringsstoffer fra vækstmediet.
PK-forholdet er indtastet for fuldstændig kompatibilitet med kokos
Magnesium, calcium og chelateret jern gør det muligt for dine planter at optage hele rækken af mikronæringsstoffer, de har brug for for at trives
Big Bud Coco is specially designed for use with coco coir growing media and continuous liquidfeed growing systems such as aeroponics, drip irrigation and emitters, NFT, flood and drain, and deep water culture.
Real SECRET to Bigger Yields from Your Bloom Booster
Did you know that 91.7% of growers who use bloom boosters see bigger yields?
They see larger, heavier, denser flowers and a significant increase in overall harvest weight and market value.
But even with these benefits, there is still a challenge…
The Problem with Most Bloom Boosters Is…
…they contain poorly absorbed forms and incorrect ratios of phosphorus and potassium.
Typically, bloom boosters hold double the amount of phosphorus to potassium.
And if there’s too much phosphorus, it creates toxicity that destroys cannabis health and flower production.
During the bloom phase, plants are hungrier for potassium than phosphorus, so you need a balance of the two elements.
In fact, this is the one thing that trips up so many growers . . .
Who end up beating themselves up over larfy harvests . . .
Because they got the raw end of the deal on out-of-whack fertilizers that are improperly balanced for the crops you’re growing.
The fact is this: precise and appropriate ratios of potassium and phosphorus lead to larger flowers.
And when you invest in a premium additive with optimal amounts of each . . .
You’re going to rake in buckets of profit from the huge yields and potent bud you’ve mastered.
Which is why…
Our Team of the World’s Top Ph.D. Plant Scientists Have Combined These Into One Easy-to-Use Product for You
A convenient liquid fertilizer that delivers a unique suite of bud potentiator ingredients to your flowering plants.
We call it Big Bud®.
Big Bud is our legendary liquid fertilizer bloom booster engineered to provide optimal conditions that increase plant growth and deliver robust flowers to you.
This formula provides the nutrients your plants crave during their bloom cycle.
Big Bud’s optimal ratios of phosphorus and potassium are crucial for bloom phase growth and photosynthesis.
This best-selling bloom booster has helped thousands of growers maximize the genetic potential of their crops.
And now, you too can…
Turn Inconsistent Harvests Into Predictable Yields You Can Be Proud of
Advanced Nutrients’ Big Bud gives you:
Big Bud is a revolutionary liquid fertilizer that gives you larger yields than any competing bloom booster.
Feed your plants Big Bud and watch your cannabis grow and glisten.
Our award-winning liquid fertilizer has helped growers enjoy as much as a 27% increase in harvest weight.
Purchase Advanced Nutrients Big Bud today at an authorized retailer near you.
Advanced Nutrients – Big Bud Coco
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