T.A. – Silicate
T.A. Silicate (forhenværende (GHE – mineral magic) er et organisk additiv til både jord og hydro. Silikat, hovedingrediensen i T.A. Silicate, er især et vigtig produkt for dyrkning af hurtigt voksende planter.
Silikat er essentielt; styrker og hærder plantens celler, som både sikrer stærke grene og stammer, samt modstandsdygtighed over for sygdomme og dyr.
Udover den vigtige silikat indeholder T.A. Silicate 60 forskellige mineraler, som er biologisk transformeret organisk materiale, udvundet af havbunden.
Kan blandes direkte i dit medie 4 g / 1 tsk til hver potte eller blandes/opløses i din gødningsopløsning 4 g / 1 tsk til 10 L vand.
T.A. – Silicate
Natural Silicate powder
Silicate is an essential element for higher plants, especially when growing with water as a substrate. New pH neutral Silicate contains ancient deposits of biologically transformed organic matter, plus naturally formed silicic acid clay.
Silicate provides a naturally soluble form of silicon which enters plant cells and builds a hardened shield against disease and insect attack.
Silicate’s natural colloids improve cation exchange capacity to nutrient solutions improving nutrient availability to your plants.
Silicate stabilises nutrient solution pH and conductivity which reduces stress for rapidly growing plants.
Silicate also protects against toxicity from metals.
Last but not least, Silicate contains more than 60 minerals, which add more nutritive elements for plants to thrive on.
Our new Silicate comes from ancient deposits and is very similar to the old one, however, it has a few advantages:
- It is richer in silicate
- Its particles size is smaller, for a better solubility of the silicate
- It incorporates more carbonates for a better pH stability.
- It offers calcium to the plant.
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